Monday, 25 March 2013

Starting up the projects (translation)

Here I start the first lines of the blog. I thought I would find it easier to use a blog as an easier platform of communication.
And to begin with, what better than a request!
 I am writing to ask you a favor: due to the fact that some people have offered their help (financial help I mean) I will propose several projects by using microcredits, and for the trust that my presence in situ means that everything donated is used fairly, (and not to get lost in the pocket of some mothxxxx.. ) I propose a method:

Through Silo Gambasse ( have proposed two small projects:

1.          The formation of a small cooperative to manufacture rope pumps or rope:
·         Current status:
·         absence of pumps in many wells in Guinea Bissau.
·         large number of Afridev,  India Mark II, etc hand pumps (imported from China and India) that do not work, and that communities can not afford the cost of reparing. (This is an example, in my opinion, of the mismanagement of development cooperation: they placed a pump that when disrupted can not be repaired because the parts are expensive. Very smart indeed
·         Precedent: These pumps are being manufactured in many developing countries, as an example, Nicaragua has made 50.000unidades. (above the link)
·         Proposal: Creation of a cooperative that produces these pumps at an affordable price for small farmers and communities
·         Process:
·         Last week I made a pump in Kolda, Senegal, to learn the manufacturing process and to bring it to Bafatá to show it around and install it in a well to be confirmed yet. 100.000fcfa has been the cost of it. Silogb NGO has paid the cost of the pump.
·         training will be given to 1 or 2 mechanics / welders / fitters for the manufacture, installation and maintenance of these pumps. The training will take place in the region of Bafatá. A very proffesional and handyman guy who has made 44 pumps of this type will provide the training.
·         The money will be invested to purchase the required tools, materials for the manufacture of the first models, etc. The cost of materials for the manufacture and installation of the pumps is about 50,000 to 70.000FCFA in Senegal. I believe that in Guinea Bissau will 80.000FCFA, everything is imported here.
·         Creation of the cooperative, which will be financially self-sufficient once they´ve sold their 5th pump.
·         We already have a client interested in purchasing 3 pumps.
·         For the coming months, and once the coop is up and running, the modification of the desing will be tried to match it fully with local materials, if this problem is faced for the first models.
·         All the money for the cooperative creation, should be returned to 0% interest within a maximum of one year to the NGO, which will be able to develop other projects of this type. If possible the same model in other regions.

2.      The purchase, by using a microcredit, of 2 ox and a plough. Mainly so they can plough the rice crops, as well as the peanut and other crops:
·         current status:
·         Most families plough by hand, because the price of ploughing by using animal traction is unaffordable for them.
·         To rent a tractor is unthinkable ....
·         Average price to plough each rice crop is 13000FCFA.
·         The rice production is higher if the land has been ploughed by animal traction rather than worked manually.
·         Precedent: buying a shared tool as a community has worked many cases if the project is well defined, see water pumps, agricultural machinery, etc.
·         Proposal: communally acquire two oxen and one plough.
·         Budget:
·         200,000 to 270.000FCFA for each 3-4 years-old ox, and 50,000 to 80.000FCFA the plough.
·         training expenses for one or two members of each family to know how to use oxen and plow properly: 25.000FCFA. Training provided by the owners of the oxen and an agronomist of the  NGO platform ECAS-D.
·         Transport expenses: about 30.000FCFA (to be determined).
·         veterinary expenses (to be determined but not much, around 20000FCFA/year).
·         Other expenses (you never know... and even less in a military driven country in Africa...)
·         Total approx: 700.000FCFA
·         Process:
·         Each family will pay 2000FCFA to purchase oxen and plow. Thus we encourage their commitment to the project (if they pay something out of their pocket, they will consider as their own.)
·         Each family will pay from 4500 to 6000FCFA for each day of use of oxen (maximum 2-3hrs). This money is paid into the bank in Bafata the same week.
·         There will be 5 people in charge to write down the number of uses, users, hours of work, the amount due to pay ... etc.
·         They are approx. 60 families with at least one rice crop each. This makes an amount of approx. 300.000FCFA only during rice-crop season (two months).
·         Afterwards,  the peanut crops, cassava, etc  also commonly grown in the region
·         Therefore maximum in a year and a half, the investment will be amortized and returned to the NGO to promote other projects.
·         oxen can work up to 7-8 years approx. Therefore, they have 2-3 years to raise enough to acquire another 2 oxen.

Thus, whoever wants to help, send the money to the following bank account in spain. Or if the transfer takes more money than which is sent, contact me and we´ll figure it out:

Bank: Bankia
Name of the NGO: Silo
Bank account: 2038-8924-78-6000093361

We will do as the sms in the TV merchandising (read it with the voice of teleshopping): if you want to help rope pumps coop, write ¨pumps¨ on the concept of the bank transfer; write instead “oxen” if you want to collaborate with the project of oxen and plow. Put both if you want to collaborate with both equally.

The idea of
​​both projects is that, through microcredits, encourage their production capacity, and therefore a sustainable and not third-party dependent develpment.

Check the photo in the spanish version. you´ll see
one of the women (Nene) in the garden using the pump donated by the nurses of Canary islands. Of course using ecological insecticide manufactured by themselves!

I may propose some project for the community vegetable garden, and even we propose a crowd funding to install a rope pump in the community garden if all goes well!

Many thanks to all!!!



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